DNS hijacking, DNS poisoning, or DNS redirection is the practice of subverting the resolution of Domain Name System (DNS) queries. This can be achieved by malware that overrides a computer's TCP/IP configuration to point at a rogue DNS server under the control of an attacker, or through modifying the behaviour of a trusted DNS server so that it does not comply with internet standards.

Contents[show] DNS lwIP DNS Overview The lwIP stack provides a basic DNS client (introduced in 1.3.0) to allow other applications to resolve host names to addresses using the DNS (Domain Name System) protocol. LWIP_DNS must be #defined in lwipopts.h to a nonzero value to enable DNS support in your lwIP platform. if DHCP is used in conjunction with the lwIP DNS client, DNS will automatically be ISY-994 DNS error - Router, Firewall and Anti-virus Issues Dec 02, 2014 Public DNS | Google Developers The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol is an important part of the web's infrastructure, serving as the Internet's phone book: every time you visit a website, your computer performs a DNS lookup. Complex pages often require multiple DNS lookups before they start loading, so your computer may be performing hundreds of lookups a day. Sistema de Nomes de Domínio – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

Server (z angl.to serve – slúžiť, poskytovať službu) je softvér alebo počítač v počítačovej sieti, ktorý v rámci modelu klient-server spracúva požiadavky klientov.. Prostredníctvom servera si môžu medzi sebou vymieňať počítače údaje alebo pristupovať k údajom, uloženým na serveri, resp. využívajú ho ako bránu na pripojenie do inej siete.

Dec 02, 2014

What is a DNS Server? - Seobility Wiki

Split DNS - Zimbra :: Tech Center Split DNS avoids this problem by providing an internal DNS server (this example uses bind or dnsmasq) that can be used to resolve the internal address of the server. This guide will detail how to set up a very specific, single-host DNS server (i.e. bind or dnsmasq) that can be installed on the Zimbra host itself so that it can resolve its own BIND - ArchWiki Installation. Install the bind package.. Start/enable the named.service systemd unit.. To use the DNS server locally, use the nameserver (meaning clients like Firefox resolve via, see Domain name resolution.This will however require you to #Allow recursion while a firewall might block outside queries to your local named.. Configuration. BIND is configured in /etc/named.conf.