Privacy Policy | Best Western Hotels & Resorts

Jan 17, 2018 The Hotel Data Security Problem: Bigger Than Many Think Hotels insecurely store lots of guest data that is also considered to be personally identifiable information (PII) and subject to privacy laws. HTNG's newly formed HTNG PII Workgroup not only helps define PII for the industry but also is working to collect and categorize identifiers and develop a code of conduct to protect owners, brands, guests and staff from stolen PII. Marriott – Property Internet Terms of Use The Companies respect the privacy of all users of this Service at Marriott and affiliated hotels. This Service does not correlate the user of the service with the sites visited or content viewed. We do record the room number of the user for billing purposes.

Mar 11, 2016

How to Avoid Snooping on Hotel Wi-Fi and Other Public Networks

The number of Wi-Fi hotspot locations has grown dramatically and includes schools, libraries, cafes, airports, and hotels. With a Wi-Fi connection you can be connected to the Internet almost anywhere. You can conduct the same online activities over Wi-Fi as you would be able to at home or work, such as checking email and surfing the web.

the hotel wireless system you are using is an unsecured network. YOU SHOULD USE APPROPRIATE SECURITY MEASURES SUCH AS A VPN CONNECTION, PERSONAL FIREWALL, KEEP YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM UP-TO-DATE WITH SECURITY PATCHES, ETC. How to Stay Safe While Using Hotel WiFi: 4 Steps (with Make sure you set your computer's configuration so that it will not connect to hotspots run by … Hotel Wi-Fi - WiFi Installations | Hotel Internet Services