May 29, 2020

How to Delete all Instagram Photos at Once - oTechWorld Jun 22, 2019 To delete a photo or video that you've posted, tap (iPhone) or (Android) above your post and then tap Delete. Tap Deleteagain to confirm. You can also archive poststo hide them from your profile and make it so your followers and other people on Instagram can't see it. When you archive a post, it keeps all its likes and comments. May 29, 2020 · Option #1: Instagram Image Deletion Workaround Assign a hashtag to any image, preferably the first one on the list. Create a hashtag that nobody would use, such as Copy the hashtag and paste it into each picture. Enter a search using thow to delete all instagram photoshe hashtag you assigned to To delete a photo or video that you've posted, tap (iPhone) or (Android) above your post and then tap Delete. Tap Deleteagain to confirm. You can also archive poststo hide them from your profile and make it so your followers and other people on Instagram can't see it. When you archive a post, it keeps all its likes and comments. Delete photo After pressing the Menu button identified by three dots or circles, you can see a drop-down menu with different options. In this case, the option you must select is Delete; press this button to delete the photo you have selected. This will have removed the photo from your Instagram account.

How To Delete Multiple Photos In Instagram [Fast Way

What Happens When You Uninstall Instagram From Your Phone Mar 21, 2020 Should you Delete Old Instagram Photos & Restart your Feed?

Dec 05, 2018

Instead, Instagram forces you to delete photos one by one. However, there is a faster way. The best method of deleting multiple photos is to select the list view on your profile to view your photos vertically. From there, as soon as you delete one photo, another will take its place allowing you to delete the photos in quick succession. As long as you’re logged into the account where the photo is posted, and you’re using the Instagram app (phone/tablet) not web browser version, you can delete photos. Jun 22, 2019 · But, sometimes, you may have to delete photos from your IG account. It doesn’t matter what reason you have for this. Well, if you’re a diehard Instagram user, then you may know that you can’t delete multiple photos in Instagram. However, you can delete photos one by one, but the mass deletion option isn’t available. There’s an app in the App Store called Mass Delete. That’s what I use and it does what the app’s name suggests. Just login your Instagram account & then select the photos you wanna remove all at once. Done. Ps. You can delete any photo right from within the Instagram iPhone or Android app. Open the Instagram, then tap the profile icon that looks like a person at the bottom-right part of the screen. This will bring up photos in your feed. Get yourself logged into the application via your Instagram login. Click Media. Click “Quick Select” at the bottom of the screen. Click “Select All.” Choose “Actions” at the top right of the screen. Click “Delete.” Click “Start Now.” And you are done. Enjoy deleting all your photos and posts on Instagram. Mar 30, 2020 · In Instagram, long-tap on the first conversation to actually move the process along so that you can see where to do the next taps. The context menu appears; tap on the + icon to add a tap point, and drag the tap point to the line of the context menu reading Delete.