Dropbox is indeed a great application. It gives you a free 2GB of storage space to store your files and allows you to access to them and sync them between different computers, regardless you are running Windows, Mac, Linux or any other smart mobile device.

I frequently need to share files on Dropbox. These files often contain personal and private information. I would like to encrypt the files, but I do not want to burden the recipients by requiring 6 Great Tools to Encrypt Your Dropbox Files & Folders Boxcryptor. Boxcryptor is an easy-to-use encryption software optimized for different cloud storage … The Best (Free) Encryption Software for Cloud Storage Encrypting individual files. Your Dropbox folder inside Boxcryptor looks like a normal Finder window. The only difference is that it will be synced with the Dropbox folder. Now, if you want to encrypt files inside the folder, you can Right Click Boxcryptor Encrypt. This will almost instantly encrypt the selected file.

How to Share Files Securely Online: Dropbox, Firefox Send

How to encrypt files to be shared on Dropbox? - Encryption

Now, what the virus did was to encrypt the files on the shared folder, and obviously, once DROPBOX synchronize on other devices, all the others got the same encrypted version of the file. Usually you can recover an old version of the file from DROPBOX, but unfortunately, since the VIRUS delete the old file and create a new one encrypted; there

Is Dropbox Really Safe against Hack and Ransomware? Jun 14, 2019