Introduction to Tableau Metadata API

From the metadata model, you can understand the dependencies and relationships in your data. To see how the metadata model used by the Metadata API works, review the following example scenarios. Example metadata model. Suppose you have three workbooks (parent objects) and two data sources (parent objects) published to Tableau Online or Tableau Sample metadata use cases. Link IDs. Attach your system's unique IDs to a Stripe object, for easy lookups. For example, add your order number to a charge, your user ID to a customer or recipient, or a unique receipt number to a transfer. Refund papertrails. Store information about why a refund was created, and by whom. Customer details Jul 02, 2018 · 5.2 U2F Example. Example of the metadata statement for an U2F authenticator with: authenticatorVersion 2. Touch based user presence check. Authenticator is a USB pluggable hardware token. The authentication keys are protected by a secure element. The user presence check is implemented in the chip. The Authentiator is a pure second factor For example, Open Graph Data is a metadata protocol that Facebook invented to provide richer metadata for websites. In the MDN Web Docs sourcecode, you'll find this: In the MDN Web Docs sourcecode, you'll find this:

The relationships among the content and assets and the information about each asset is the metadata. Metadata API and GraphQL. The Metadata API uses GraphQL, a query language for APIs that describes how to ask for and return only the data that you’re interested in. For more information about GraphQL and what you can do with it, see

The relationships among the content and assets and the information about each asset is the metadata. Metadata API and GraphQL. The Metadata API uses GraphQL, a query language for APIs that describes how to ask for and return only the data that you’re interested in. For more information about GraphQL and what you can do with it, see Example of FGDC Published Metadata. Below is an actual example of FGDC published metadata. The first section describe the headers for METADATA ELEMENTS. The following sections go into detail within each major element.

Example 6-1 How to Obtain Metadata About Attributes of a Simple Database Table. This example demonstrates how to obtain metadata about attributes of a simple database table: /* Create an environment and a connection to the HR database */ . . /* Call the getMetaData method on the Connection object obtainedv*/ MetaData emptab_metaData

Example Records: An example of data gathered for a letter from the Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers online collection shows metadata that is readily available for objects currently created, stored and delivered through the American Memory interface at the Library of Congress. Values entered into the table are examples of the type of Here is an example of a web page without the viewport meta tag, and the same web page with the viewport meta tag: Tip: If you are browsing this page with a phone or a tablet, you can click on the two links below to see the difference. Metadata is structured information describing a resource, for example, the dates, title, and creators associated with a dataset. Metadata needs vary across scientific fields, but would ideally cover general descriptive information, access and use policies, data characteristics, and preservation plans.