A ROMAN MARBLE PORTRAIT HEAD OF A WOMAN LATE ANTONINE TO EARLY SEVERAN PERIOD, CIRCA 190 A.D. The youthful woman with her head angled slightly to her right, with an oval face, her center-parted hair pulled loosely into a large spiralling bun, the individual locks delineated, the deep groove of the part running across the entire crown of her head, some wisps along her neck, her …

Welcome to the Art Institute’s online scholarly catalogues. James Ensor: The Temptation of Saint Anthony is an exhibition catalogue which features essays by Susan M. Canning, Patrick Florizoone and Nancy Ireson, Anna Swinbourne, Debora Silverman, and Kimberly J. Nichols. Monet Paintings and Drawings at the Art Institute of Chicago and Renoir Paintings and Drawings at the Art Institute of RPC — Home The material presented is an invaluable source of infor­mation for imperial portraiture and titulature, the response of the cities to the establishment of a new political order under the Roman empire, the way the government controlled the provinces, the internal history of the cities, and the role of the provincial coinage in the economy of The Portal of Valenciennes – Works – collections.frick.org Watteau’s only known guard scene (as opposed to a march or camp scene), this is one of his best preserved paintings of military life. Suffused with golden light, two pairs of soldiers converse across the space of the picture, while the three other figures in the foreground have withdrawn into sleep or reverie. The Antonine Constitution: An Edict for the Caracallan

Portrait Bust of a Woman - Unknown — Google Arts & Culture

The material presented is an invaluable source of infor­mation for imperial portraiture and titulature, the response of the cities to the establishment of a new political order under the Roman empire, the way the government controlled the provinces, the internal history of the cities, and the role of the provincial coinage in the economy of The Portal of Valenciennes – Works – collections.frick.org Watteau’s only known guard scene (as opposed to a march or camp scene), this is one of his best preserved paintings of military life. Suffused with golden light, two pairs of soldiers converse across the space of the picture, while the three other figures in the foreground have withdrawn into sleep or reverie. The Antonine Constitution: An Edict for the Caracallan

Dynastic Commemoration and Imperial Portraiture in the

The most obvious change is a sudden increase in numbers of naturalistic portraits as well as in media, and the use of such portraiture not just by the ruling families and the highest levels of